
Welcome to the home of all KS3, GCSE and A Level Computer Science courses


JUST ADDED - Computer Studies for A level - 4th Edition
The complete, definitive best-selling A Level Computer Science text book is now available to download instantly. Split up into handy chapters, you can now download the entire 350 page text book. Ideal for both Year 12 and Year 13 of the Computer Science A Level courses run by all the major Exam Boards. The text book is the perfect accompaniment to this website, saving students (and teachers) from having to write out or format notes. Simply download and print off the pdf chapters as you need them, or print them all off, photocopy as many copies as you need, have them made up into books and hand them out to your students. And best of all, it is absolutely free for subscription holders!

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  • Massive resources area for KS3, KS4 and KS5, available 24 / 7. 
  • Organised like the syllabuses and constantly being added to.
  • Self-marking tests, quizzes, puzzles, notes, Q&A, exams, challenges, videos and much more. Loads of variety!
  • Instant worksheets available for every topic.
  • A gigantic area of Computational thinking worksheets for every occasion!
  • Python 3 notes, practice programs and Q&A for instant use in the classroom.
  • Perfect for class teachers, student self study, guided learning, emergency work, cover teachers, non-specialists, homework, holiday work, end of unit work and more!


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Computer Science covered


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