Welcome to the Audacity set of video tutorials
Welcome to this set of videos, which introduces students to the wonderful world of sound editing and production using Audacity. Students will produce an atmospheric opening for Macbeth. 3 witches are on a moor and the weather is bad ...... This is a self-contained block of lessons, each one building upon the previous one. They are ideal for the classroom, cover work, homework, computer clubs or self-study.
Part 1 - Setting up Audacity
Part 2 - Repeating and fading
Part 3 - Adding labels to your work
Part 4 - Adding tracks and timeshift
Part 5 - Solo and copy & paste
Part 6 - Trim, duplicate and silence
Part 7 - Fade out, echo and pitch
Part 8 - The envelope tool
Part 9 - Recording your voice
Part 10 - Dealing with problems
Part 11 - The selection toolbar
Part 12 - Cross-fading
Part 13 - Exporting files
Part 14 - Importing files
Part 15 - Test and export
Help 1 - Shortcuts
Help 2 - Joining sounds
Help 3 - Free sounds
Help 4 - What version
Help 5 - Getting help
Help 6 - Converting to an MP3