Resources for the Non Exam Assessment (NEA)
Here are some links to useful resources, which you can add to the folder of resources you are providing for students when they do their NEA. Please check carefully that each resource is suitable for the Exam Board qualification you are preparing students for. Also, please remember that 'less is sometimes more' - if you overwhelm students with resources, they may not be able to find anything!
Python 3 Quick Reference Guide - As the title says, a summary of the keywords with simple, quick to read examples.
How to work through an NEA task - An outstanding guide by James Thynne, detailing each step students need to carry out to complete an NEA task. The guide shows very clearly the workflow required.
A complete NEA resource bank - This is a complete set of resources for the OCR NEA, for both Python and VB. Produced by the Outwood Grange Academies Trust, it has been checked for compliance by OCR. Outstanding!
YouTube videos - Here's an example of just one set of videos for Python 3 you could download and add to your NEA resource area.
An outstanding, easily accessible website course - One of my favourite, well-organised, crystal clear website resources that can be skim-read easily to find what you need quickly.
The official Python 3 docs - Not always clear for beginners, but can be useful.
OCR exemplar work - Here are a couple of exemplar NEA projects and some training notes on the NEA and marking for the OCR version of the NEA.
Snakify theory, tasks and answers - If you used the brilliant Snakify website to teach students Python, it would be worth including all their theory, tasks and model answers in your NEA resources area.
The non-Programmer's tutorial for Python 3 - Another outstanding resource, ideal for students who might otherwise struggle.
Python Cookbook - Another great reference resource for your better students, although it can be overwhelming for weaker students.
The best resources, notes and examples will be those that the students have made and used themselves as they learnt their programming language!