Welcome to the Skills set of video tutorials
Do you want to know how a group of people can work together on a single Word document, with each person annotating their own comments for others to see and approve? Perhaps a teacher wants to know how you can add comments on-screen to a student's Word document, without changing the original document and then returning it to the student. Do you want to know how to convert number scores into letter grades? Perhaps you just need to know how to keep your data safe, or set-up and use a template. Here is a set of videos that will help you get to grips with these tasks.
Annotation in Word - 1
Annotation in Word - 2
Annotation in Word - 3
Annotation in Word - 4
Annotation in Word - 5
Marking and grading in Excel - 1
Marking and grading in Excel - 2
Marking and grading in Excel - 3
Selecting a good password
File protection
Folder protection
Removing a USB